O Anna Niemus - Women, Teach Men Your Gentleness

2014-11-08 1

Is it men or women who work the
most in slaughterhouses?
Is it men or women who are
most involved in domestic battering?
Is it men or women who commit
the most rapes?
Is it men or women who
vote for the most executions?
Is it men or women who promote
war, vote for war, kill in war?
Is it men or women who as
'talk show hosts' allow no talk?
Is it men or women who
are more often pedophiles?
Is it men or women who torture
lab animals more?

Writer asks forgiveness of old soul men reading this poem.
As an attorney for the defense exaggerates and is selective
in what she presents, so it is with this poem.

It is the teaching of several religions and the belief of the poster
that we go back and forth between male and female incarnations
as we spiral down the inner ladder to the Indwelling God

The military and hunting organizations socialize gentle men into
believing they must murder voiceless powerless beings in order
to prove their masculinity. It is a lie from hell.

O Anna Niemus
