If I didn't know how to write poetry I coulda been losing my mind, building my anger, or nothing at all.
I coulda been shooting up schools like my cousins, stealing cars, robbing people or being a menace to society or a bum on your corner eating from inside a trash can.
If i didn't write poetry I coulda been infuriated in class.
Screaming, inflicting pain on myself or better yet trying to exact vengeance on the men that caused me wrong, but that's done the hatred is in the books because of poetry.
If poetry faded away it would feel like a bad cold then the creativity of music, writing, dreams, and life itself would be gone and lost and life as you know it would be dull, tasteless and dry.
Freedom speech would not be express as beautiful as it is now but it could been it, shouldn't been, but hopefully we will never know what it feels like not to have poetry instilled in our lives.
Compton Wright