Thunderstorms remind me...
Of days long ago
When I sat safely nestled inside
Our front porch
With my brother and sister
We would hear the claps
And then count...
To determine
Just how close the storm was...
I felt safe back then...
Knowing that I was warm and dry
And nothing could harm me
Thunderstorms remind me...
Of a friend across a lake
Who also enjoys stormy weather
And I'm wondering
If it's coming down like cats and dogs there...
Thunderstorms remind me...
Of children's stories I have read
About animals trying
To find shelter from a storm
And how my kids
Would snuggle in next to me...
Safe and warm
Thunderstorms remind me...
Of the power of nature
The beauty and the danger
The volatility of life!
Thunderstorms remind me...
To thank my lucky stars...
That I took tonight off...
While all my collegues
Are getting soaked to the skin!
Bless 'em one and all!
I love thunderstorms too!
Just as long as I'm safely tucked inside!
Dee Daffodil (HW) 31 May,2008
Dee Daffodil