ESPN CHICK - Take This Pain Away From Me

2014-11-08 8

Take a look at me and tell me
Do you see the lies I've been telling
Can you see that all along I've been living a lie

I've been saying I'm alright when I'm not
When I've been broken and torn apart over and over again

Can you tell that my broken smiles are not real
They are fake as fake can be
I haven't been honest but I promise I'm okay

Take a picture and it will last longer
And look at it for a while

Then tell me do you see all the pain that's pilled up from head to toe
Do you see that my heart is shattered and it will never be repaired
Take a look at me and see that I'm alright

I'll be just fine on my own
With this pain eating me up inside
Eating my dark black soul

Feels like I've lost everything I've gained
And I want to so bad but I know I must stay away

I must stay away from those scars
I can not dare enter that zone again
Although it sounds so good and every now and then I hear it calling my name

But I know I will be adding more pain
So I must stay strong and stay away from that old addiction

I only wish that I knew what would rid this pain
What would make me whole again
Oh I must know

And please don't say love
I don't ever want to fall

Love isn't for me
I know that for sure
I just have to know what will make me whole

Because I'm sick and tired of this pain
Take it from me

I must become whole one way or another
I've got to figure this out
Because I know no one will be able to repair me and so I've got to find my way to become whole and away from this pain

May 28,2008
Not the greatest I know...but that's all I've got for now Its been a rough week...