Harry J. Couchon Jr - God Thank You For Daughters

2014-11-08 13

Daughters God bless them
Little girls that grow to become women
But to a daddy they're always his little girls
Even after they make him a grandfather

I've been blessed twice myself
Never would I have traded them for a son
My daughters were my pride and joy
And I loved them more every single day

I remember the first time
One of them came to me with an adult problem
Instead of taking it to her mother
Asking me to help her understand men

I told her, let's make a deal
I'll help you understand men
And you'll help me understand women
We both got a big laugh out of that

With his daughter a man can be
The tender, loving person he really is
The side of himself he hides from the world
Lest it mistakes him for a wimp

A daughter is a gem, precious and polished
Even back in the day when she was a tomboy
Teased by the other girls for playing with boys
Yet growing up to be the most feminine of them all

God thank You for daughters
And for giving me two of my own
I will love and cherish them forever
And Heaven help anyone who hurts them

Harry J. Couchon Jr


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