Ted Sheridan - A Swimmer Named Kennedy

2014-11-08 9

When someone is a person of questionable integrity
and they have committed dubious acts in their past
many years of civil service to society and then they suddenly are befallen
with a fatal disease; (other than Liberalism….which is only a mental disorder)
why is it then that we always proceed to elevate
these immoral people to a higher level of respectability?
With no marginal reason ever given for their existence….

In memory of Mary Jo Kopechne (July 26,1940 – July 18,1969)
Who was left by United States Senator Ted Kennedy to drown in his car
after he drove it off of a bridge and into the water below; while intoxicated after a party. Senator Kennedy was married at the time of the accident and did not report the accident until much later that morning.
Senator Kennedy has never to this day claimed any responsibility for his actions.
Senator Kennedy has been recently diagnosed with brain cancer, and that is tragic,
but it doesn’t change his questionable character.

2008 © TS

Ted Sheridan
