Dreams are one of the tools that move us today.
It helps us work for success, fame and glory.
But no matter how big or how small the dream is
people continue to chase their dreams.
Maybe the dream of being famous or the dream of a perfect love
or any dream. That what god made dreams inside your sleep for
To dream away when all dreams are fulfill and hope of people are still alive within.
To this dream is my dream I want everybody to put their anger aside.
I want people to not settle their differences with wars and massacres on innocent families.
Dreams is what i believe in so i follow and pursue them.
People call other people fools saying that chasing their dreams
is like seeking a holy grail.
That will never be found because it doesn't exist.
Well i say people need to fulfill their dreams to move and do better things to the world we live in.
This is my dream and failure is never the option
Compton Wright