Francis Duggan - They Knew Of Racism

2014-11-08 1

They knew of racism and police abuse
And for retalitation the Kellys they had an excuse
Ned and Dan Kelly's sister Kate was raped by a man of the law
In the dehumanizing of the Kellys that was the last straw.

The lawman who raped Kate Kelly for his crimes did not pay
And before condemning the Kelly gang and bad things of them say
If the same thing did happen to your family
Than they did would you have acted differently?

In the old Beechworth prison where Ned Kelly served time
For horse stealing that does not seem such a great crime
In a small draughty cell on an earthen floor he slept
In worse living conditions any dog never kept.

Ned and Dan Kelly, Steve Hart and Joe Byrne paid for their ill fame
And each in their own right a legendary name
And though all of them did go to an early grave
It can be said of them that they did die brave.

Glenrowan where the Kelly gang made their last stand
A historical old Town in the Southern Land
Disrespect for their families the lawmen did show
And things might have been different for them did they receive a fair go.

Francis Duggan

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