Francis Duggan - Shy People

2014-11-07 49

Though many may say they suffer of low self esteem
Shy people are good people to me it does seem
As they do not advertise themselves in the Corporate World out there
The humble at heart are becoming more rare.

Shy people are people who don't drag others down
As many do in their great lust for renown
They trample on others new heights to attain
How low can one go for a little self gain?

When stories of their achievements with strangers they openly share
The loud mouthed types I find hard for to bear
But shy people you will find are not that way
At what they are good at they'd rather not say.

You loud mouthed windbag others you may impress
When you tell them the story of your life's success
And though credit should be given to where credit is due
The one who says little is far greater than you.

For them sad to say there's never an encore
They have little to say so them we tend to ignore
But I like shy people in their own quiet way
And when they do speak I do heed what they say.

Francis Duggan