Ted Sheridan - My Wife Left Me on Mother's Day, Guess I'm all Grown Up

2014-11-07 1

I know all too well that you try to push me away;
you always have and you always will. It is some kind
of insecurity issue you have, to see if I will leave
or let you go….and I know that you truly do, dislike yourself;
thereby projecting a low self esteem onto me__
You always have been dependent on me for your happiness
and I have allowed you to believe that I might have been
responsible for it when in all truth, I really wasn’t.
A man cannot make a woman happy; a man is like a dog.
He’s your best friend as long as you don’t expect too much.
I knew when I met you I would never be able
to save you from yourself or the pain of your unhappiness,
but I also knew I could never leave you….
However, I was never foolish enough to believe
that you would never leave me…by any means possible.

2008 © TS

Ted Sheridan
