elysabeth faslund - Invention Of A New Sonnet Form

2014-11-07 2

Viking Voyage

For lo! The forty four grey cast away
Fetters, mooring. Roaring past the old quay.
Flying, fleeing, sighing with unknown day
Far ahead. Frenzied eyes watched for the way

Showing the Way, rowing towards the far West,
Sunned with gulls, fecund with mountainous crests.
Slowing, rowers graveing ill with tiredness.
Shallow hope, fallow horizons' cruel test.

Then, with men exhausted, starving, the call!
That tiny branch floating briny waves tall!
The mens' eyes gleamed, streamed. New land welcomed all!
Tears amongst cheers, from Fathers in their Hall!

Voyagers of Old! Stories told this night!
Valhalla tested...not bested. Lands' sight!

elysabeth faslund
