Unique, intelligent, beautiful, intimidating, mean, open-minded, brutally honest, bitch. So many words other's use to describe me. In reality though, these are just some of many 'pieces' that make me who I am. Don't try to figure me out. No one can. Closets full of secrets. No shame in them. A few regrets, but mainly secrets that lead me into being a stronger, better me. Know one is perfect. I have to wear a masks all the time. speak to me, I see your lip's moving, but the words just drift off. and I say to myself 'I don't care'. Blank faces with mouth's wide open just spitting Lie's and pointless info that I have no need for. I have a demon that i follow and it follows me. Trying to shake this affliction maybe even addiction of mine is breaking me down. A fake smile on my face when I look straight in your eyes and LIE! Yes all is well, my health is perfect, life is just grand. sleeves rolled down, head up. seeming so at ease. when I know in my mind, there is turmoil. The one thing that makes it all just go away, my release, is tearing me to bit's. this is my battle. and just like time's before, I must beat this. If not, I become a failure to myself. and a Failure is NOT one of the pieces i am made of.
neo riddick