Anita Atina - Spiritual lingerie

2014-11-07 8

Journeying this path
From cold desolate lands
She arrives in warmer climes
Ever closer to the light

Throwing off night’s dark overcoat
The restrictive coat of tradition peeled off
Awash with relief, bathed in sunlight
After a long dark winter

Hungrily she yearns for more light, more warmth
Stripping off duality’s sheath
Dropping the masks that hid
Her true self behind veils and shadows

With each layer shed
The incredible lightness
Made the journey faster
Comforting her through paths unknown

Friends of the light guided her steps
Joy and patience lovingly held her
Till she arrived at the great door
Wearing her spiritual lingerie

And once there, she stopped
Breathing in deeply
Listening to the silence between heartbeats
Waiting to breathe, to renew life

Wondering if this door
Would open to her
Was she ready
For the next plane

For what lay beyond
Beckoned intimately
An ancient mystery
Perhaps waiting to be unraveled

Would she pick the right string?
Or in this unraveling
Would she return home
To the place she belongs

Anita Atina