Frank Lisa IndiRa Francesca Roger Platt Cornish Martin - Miracle-I*

2014-11-07 1

Love and desire have many unnamed relations
But if you see closely
There are distances between them like
Sea is one
But its corners touch two stranger shores
Tread two exclusive paths

So it goes
That in this ocean of time
Where both of us have changed (was there an option)
That even our relationship like our reflections
So very gently turn that
Often leaves no lines on the linen
Neither the eternally travelling color of eyes fades
Nor befall a wall in our continuous communication

Just that
The sand that is slipping every moment from the
Impetuous unyielding fist of desire
In here could be that emotion betwixt between
Called love
Sometime it so happens
That we reckon not the friction
Of slipping sand
But it slips
We at times try and gather it
But the heedless winds of night and day
Blows sands so much that ….
Heart begs but can’t weep
the tears
that were to collect the slipping scattering sand
give life to it, irrigate it
they didn’t flow

* Amjad Islam Amjad translated from Urdu

Frank Lisa IndiRa Francesca Roger Platt Cornish Martin