As a guard of the heart
I cried whenever I felt like
When I did not get
The different kinds of dolls
Stacked in the shop’s shelves
I protested with anger and cried
When the girl next door
Got a dress from her mother
To get a similar dress
I wailed
When my family shouted
Hit me when I missed school
In every nook and corner
In every place, I shed tears
When my heart’s desire fulfilled
When I faced trouble and fears
I had been angry
Defeated, I let my agony
To flow out in tears
I weeped
Why people cry
I found the reason
In myself
Crying has a history
From birth till death
Harappa Mahenjadaro’s
People have cried
Their bath lake
Didn’t become history
We have to build a lake for tears
The drops not shared and left
Should be distributed
All the children being born
Their voices together
Should be laughter.
Kavitha Rai