Michael P. Johnson - BROTHERLY LOVE?

2014-11-07 20

Spread forth life’s seed in every land Mt.28: 19
Love all as I’ve loved you Jn.15: 12
For through your love they’ll understand Pr.16: 21
The way to life anew Pr.15: 1

A branch in Christ can cease to grow
Caused not by obvious sin
But through the lack of love we show
To those who serve within

Our love in Christ, should not seem rare
But flowing, deep and true
Your brother’s burdens are to share
As he; should share with you

Look to another, as Christ would do
Not there, a fault to find
Then they in turn, may share your view
And to your; fault be blind

In many ways, true love is shown
Compassion, trust and care
We’ll harvest only what we’ve sown
So what we have, we share

Let no-one covert, another’s gift
For service they’ve received
You may well cause God’s Dove to lift
Through selfishness, He’s grieved

Your brother may hide, a broken heart
Behind a smiling face
Your arms to him, could soon impart
The love of Christ’s embrace

God loves to love, but hates to hate
This statement’s more than true
Love your brother to share the fate
That you would love for you.

Michael P. Johnson


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