Poras Sharma - Alone

2014-11-07 3

Caged in this lonesome attire,
I am always at chaos,
Gathering answers for my insane questions,
My goals are always at loss.

Walking either through alleys or amidst crowds,
Witnessing people smiling and laughing aloud,
I often wondered if they're as torn apart as me,
Always pondering upon paranoid questions and a glorious future to be.

It's true that your experiences shape perceptions,
But perceptions change with wisdom.
We must realize that life is a precious gift,
Bestowed by almighty into our worthless system,

I thought, blessed are those,
Who smile with others and always laugh,
Who forgive others and surpass their troubles at last,
As they're the ones who'll always be in Almighty’s cast.

So cheer up and smile,
As this too, is a tumultuous short while,
Don’t lose focus and always strive to be right,
And remember, in the battle of David and Goliath,
It’s David who won the fight.

Poras Sharma
