Kye Kurion - I Don't Know This World

2014-11-07 3

This world so mysterious is falling into abyss.
It's worth near to nothing but it won't disappear.
I love the world but I also hate it,
I'm afraid our fate will become my fear.

I believe the world deserves to be here,
But I also want to destroy it.
I know it helps many things belong,
But just too many things won't fit.

But I don't know, I'm sure I can change the world,
But do I really have the right to.
Many things exist to still be afraid of,
But the things to love are still new.

Alone I'll stand,
Thinking of the world around me.
The things that I find just don't make sence,
Still, I really don't know what the future is, so I'll just wait and see.

Kye Kurion