Dark Revenge Angel Night - Love Will Be Everlasting

2014-11-07 2

Long ago

Two lovers sat,

And talked away

Not knowing that

They shall not be with

One another again

Went the separate

Ways 'Tonight'

She thought 'I

Will bake a cake'

'Tonight' thought he

'I shall see her'

So not long

After, a terrible

Deed had been


At her house a

Shot rings out,

A heart shaped

Cake covered in

Her bright red


And standing

There, be her

Lover, holding

The gun, head

Cocked so slightly

And so he looks

Upon what he

Has done

Turning the cold lifeless

Weapon to him

So that night

Two shots rang

And he falls to

The floor

Their blood mingling

As if to say

'Love will be everlasting'

Dark Revenge Angel Night
