David DeSantis - Buy an Xterra

2014-11-07 1

Cars on a road.

Each of us
hugging the pavement
Afraid to let go.

by ipods and coffee cups
lipstick, and razors.

like little bog flys,
moving one by one bye one bye one

Territorial routes
Speed up, speed down,
Ignoring the signs
Meant for direction.

Cars on a road.

Each hour
Rushing to some new destination.
Tailing each other
In army formations,

Faster, slower, break, and stop.

Like little tin soldiers
Serving a cause
While missing the purpose.

Cars on a road.
Day in day out.
Over and over
And over and over
And over and over..

Until its

I prefer
To go off roading.

Copyright (c) David DeSantis

David DeSantis
