It’s a great thing to be loved
Greater thing to love
Dreaming of living
In the desert dunes
Head on your lap
On a moon lit day
Could see the stars above
Under the spongy soft clouds
Before falling on you,
Everything vanished
Behind thine eyes magnetic
With a lullaby from the sari
Covering gently thy mounts
Waving here and there
Revealing thy soft inners;
Scaled up the mountain
Clasping thy hands
Sweat making a canal inside
A test to my patience
Coming back, no assurance
Releasing the hand in the north
Under freezing chips of ice biting
Embraced thee so tight
Two bodies single breathing
In the dark jungle
Under the canopy
Leaving the brain far behind
Bracing along your bosom
How long I lied
Over the veiled parts of you
Searching for the hidden treasure
All over repeatedly
Unable to fathom any of them and
The abyss of my love
rajagopal haran