Paul C. Maybury Jr. - An Atheist's Polemic for Monotheists of the Bigoted Kind

2014-11-07 0

I am tired of people who quote the gods
And spoil their children with their rods.
Sweet little innocents threatened with flame.
Surrounded by elders all taught the same.
Unquestioning faith is the name of their game,
Fearing their gods, whatever the name.

Narrow minded fear haunted men,
Shame haunted sex with enslaved women.
Being ‘good’ out of fear of imagined gods’ hate,
Seeing death as reward instead of just fate.

Be good out of goodness, and for goodness’ sake.
No gods are there waiting, and no flaming lake.
Life, one to a customer, is there to be tasted.
A life lived in fear, is surely one wasted.

Paul C. Maybury Jr.

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