Keeping me this distant
Talking to me this sweet
Off you go; out you sign;
Transmission loss between?
Singing melodious songs
You keep silence this long
To know why, I am keen;
For it gives me immense pain
Touching me all this soft
You allow my heart to float,
It knows not where to rest
Nor where to find support
Painting picturesque lines
This swift on my canvas
You remain fingers crossed
That to me is a big loss
To resume talking soft
To sing sweeter songs
To paint portraits bright
Welcome back, my mate
Thanks a lot my mate!
I feel them all once more
For you’ve led my thirst
To those waters, in your yacht
Blessed is your voice,
My ears blessed are!
Blessed are your fingers,
Blessed is my heart!
08 04 08
Kesav Venkat Easwaran