Francis Duggan - I Want To Be Happy

2014-11-07 10

The thing that I crave for money cannot buy
For with it I know life I would really enjoy
I want to be happy and of all cares free
But when I look in my mirror a sad face I see.

I want to be happy and laugh my cares away
And wake in the morning and welcome the day
And feel light and easy like a windblown leaf
And laugh and be merry for life is so brief.

Why do we crave things such as wealth and renown
This ego of mine it keeps dragging me down
And too much of ego is not a good thing
Though of egotistical people we sing.

We are pre-occupied with our own self esteem
And we only live for our own selves and our blood kin 'twould seem
A truly happy person would see life differently
And if you know such a person of that person tell me.

I want to be happy and free of all care
And my gift of happiness with others I'd share
But that money cannot buy happiness is only too true
And that applies to all people and to me and you.

Francis Duggan

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