Carmela Patterson - WAYWARD SOUL

2014-11-07 9

O wayward soul where are you going?
What heavy crosses are you towing?
Into the wind are your dreams blowing?
Do you think that you are all-knowing?
What kind of seeds are you sowing?

When we can do no more to set things right
When what we want seems beyond our sight
Let's fall to our knees in the dark of the night
Pray to God with every bit of our might
Watch the evil one swiftly take flight.

Let's stand back and re-evaluate our lives!
With numerous trials the soul in pain writhes;
It's toward God Almighty every Christian strives,
Into His limitless pool of Mercy each soul dives
To soak up the forgiveness
and love God gives
For from infinity to infinity
His Divine Majesty lives
And He gives
and gives and

© Mel Patterson,4-4-08

Carmela Patterson