Francis Duggan - So Much For The Patriarchal Society

2014-11-07 4

So much for the patriarchal society and the patriarchal ways of life
The man goes home drunk from the Barroom and beats his children and his wife
And the police slow to interfere in such matters they see it as a family affair
Abused women always too many and abusive men now don't seem rare.

Life in a patriarchal society is surely not Utopia on Earth
Some men come to power since power they aspire to and others are rulers by right of birth
And in a patriarchal society women must play second fiddle for equal work they get less pay than men
Such a society to the advantage of aggressive males only the gentle cannot hope to win.

Patriarchal societies ruled by egostical males who thrive on war mongering amongst their fellow citizens they only spread fear
To cover for their inadequacies they talk of terrorism and the threat of terrorists and people believe what they hear
They have the cheek to talk of freedom though many in their Country are not free
Of one Human right that all should have and that's freedom from poverty.

A matriarchal society would be better though the few women in a position of power
Are ruling their Countries as males would they too live for their glorious hour
But a true female leader would be different for all of her people she would lead
She would not neglect the poverty stricken Suburb a leader of that sort we need.

Francis Duggan