I joke and I laugh
I put on a smile
I act like I’m happy
But all the while
I feel nothing but wrenching agony
Tearing me apart from the inside out
And the tears I fight all day burst free at night
Flowing as endless as the ocean ‘til I’m too weak to cry
Speaking your name’s like
Nails on a chalkboard
Though I act like it’s fine,
Like it’s just a word
I feel nothing but wrenching agony
Tearing me apart from the inside out
And the tears I fight all day burst free at night
Flowing as endless as the ocean ‘til I’m too weak to cry
Memories of you
Don’t let me give up
‘til I see you again
But until then
I feel nothing but wrenching agony
Tearing me apart from the inside out
And the tears I fight all day burst free at night
Flowing as endless as the ocean ‘til I see you again
Dedicated to Nickel. I love you, my sweet DandyLion!
Emo Seb