Heather Browning - When Im Lonely

2014-11-07 15

So when does time really stop..... days really end. When does waiting turn to hours, and tears turn to salt. Bad goodbyes, quiet hello's. Weeks into months and days into years. Who ever said you needed to love. Needed to be loved. Months...years even, of devoting yourself to only one. When that one is gone, what is left? How possible is it to find your soul mate? Out of the many miles of earth. The depths of the sea. Ones not yet born, ones already passed away. How can you randomly stumble upon your hearts other half? How do you know they are the one. The one to own all your kisses. The one to watch you sleep, and be there when you wake. And even when that feeling, slowly slips away, you tell yourself they are still the one, when more than likely, 'the one' is still waiting. Heartbreak, worse than never loving at all. Tears, colder and wetter than even the muggiest depth of the sea. The one can make it go away, when at the same time......bring it all back, worse than before.

Heather Browning
