Loyd C. Taylor - The Thief and the Cross

2014-11-07 36

He was just a common thief
And now he must pay.
His wicked deeds found him,
Condemned to die today.

He had cheated and looted,
Wronged many men.
His life of crime is over,
A cross would be his end.

Guilty of his transgression
Yes, deserving of death,
He feared not the dying now,
But of judgment ahead.

Hell would surely be his abode
Ages without end!
Punished for his wickedness
And a life of sin!

But this ONE dying near him,
Was different than he,
His eyes revealed compassion,
He spoke mercifully.

The thief asked this man;
“What on earth did you do? ”
Jesus whispered weakly;
“Today I die for you! ”

“Dying for me? ” he asked,
“Who are you anyway? ”
“I AM the Lamb of God,
Today sin’s debt I pay.”

“How may I receive pardon? ”
Begged the repentant thief.
“Forgiveness is truly yours”
Jesus said; “only believe.”

“It’s true, you are the ONE
Sent to die for me! ”
“LORD, I need your mercy! ”
“Please… REMEMBER ME! ”

Jesus turned to the thief
In mercy he cried;
“Today shalt thou be
With me in PARADISE! ”

Loyd C. Taylor
