If I could see the world in a different way
Here's what i would do
I would cast away my flesh and bones
for energy pure and true
I would take in everything around
from the petals of a flower
right down to the ground
From the top of a maple to its very roots
, I would find out what it's all about.
I would attach myself to butterfly wing
and flutter my day away
I 'd immerse myself with dolphins
feeling the water as I swim all day
I would capture the essence of a yellow rose,
and scatter myself in the air
I would travel to the stars and back
and the suns rays i would share
To a mountain top i will rise
and taste the driven snow
and slide right down the other side
as part of springs thawing flow
On salmons scales i would sing my tune
floating upstream
capture the darkside of the moon
and visit my inner dreams
on eagles wings i would touch the clouds
catching rainbows in my veins
to glide and soar on thermal winds
above the grassy plains
and when I return to my previous form
I surely hope i will be
a better person for it,
One with the vision to see
William Lindenmuth