Mamta Agarwal - Full Moon

2014-11-07 2

I lay in bed,
Suddenly awake
At midnight,
Soaked in sweat.

As I got up
To wipe my face,
My eyes drifted
To the windowpane.

I saw the full moon
Calm and compassionate,
Its soothing white light
Gently filling up
My room.
As if to touch
And embrace me.

I don’t know
How long I gazed.
Words can’t explain
What transpired
Between us in silence,
For I felt
My heart expand.

Just as it does
When a close friend
Nods her head,
As if she
And holds my hand.

I don’t know
It happened,
But slowly
I felt
The clouds of
Sorrow dispel.
My faith reclaimed
That I am a part of
A bigger plan.

Mamta Agarwal