Raman Savithiri - 944. Settle down, oh my mind! -160308

2014-11-07 2

Leaping vast sea and many countries,
People travel to find lump salaries.
They wish to expand their boundaries,
Like the great Alexander victorious.

In a feast if dominant fills his plate,
With all dishes to quench his palate;
To that party, those who are bit late
And who are meek will take what?

Life on earth is attending a feast.
Be moderate and take only least.
See that nothing goes as a waste.
There are many waiting to taste!

The more I enjoy the world treasures,
The less I leave for others’ pleasures;
Wealth ample I have is just but gestures
Of my greed, rising Poor’s pressures!

Alexander felt at the end of his conquering,
That nil would convoy from his acquiring.
Oh mind can’t thee learn a lesson enduring,
It is of no use to hold external things alluring!

The only road in which you hinder none,
Is your inner mind and you set off alone.
Forget about settling in a city or town.
Find way to settle your thoughts down! -160308

Raman Savithiri


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