Alison Cassidy - And the Room was Filled with Hats

2014-11-07 7

Old hats new hats,
short hats, tall hats,
red hats blue hats,
big hats, small hats.

Hats on sticks,
hats on chairs,
hats and music everywhere.

And the little ones dusted
the hats on the chairs,
the hats on the blankets,
the hats on the stairs.

And the parents looked silly
in the nicest sort of way
as they rolled on the floor
while the Klezmer music played.

And I danced and I smiled
and I wore a bright mask
of Chaplinesque lunacy
and Tommy Cooper class.

Cos my heart was a thumping
and my stomach was a knot.
My mind was a racing
and it kinda hurt a lot.

But the world keeps turning
and the dancers keep dancing
and the poems keep churning
and the music keeps prancing.

And I sorta kinda know
that we'll both be OK.
That we’ll live and love and lust a lot
and kiss our cares away.

Alison Cassidy