the power of God is truly amazing, he never dissapoints us. Even when we think he may have forgotten us, he shows his hand and the glory of his love.
I had many family issues in the last few weeks and just couldn't take it anymore so I did what I consider to be the obvious. I gave all my troubles to God and left them in his hands, my daughter did the same.
I decided to write a prayer letting Satan know he doesn't scare me and at the end of that prayer when I dotted the last period, I heard someone at the door and there was my long lost son.
Earlier in the day, everyone said when they finally see my son again they would hit him, give him a piece of their mind. All I could do when I laid eyes on him was hug him and let him know how much I loved him.
After giving my troubles over to the Lord, my daughter and I, everything seemed to immediatlely turn around. I just want to thankyou Jesus.
In the name of your precious son 'Jesus'
Written by: Melvina Germain
Melvina Germain