What makes an action right or wrong?
Do we decide this consciously?
or do we simply go along
with accepted morality.
If you must kill to save a life.
You can do but reluctantly
because its sets up mental strife.
Which interferes with liberty
of action which is needed to
remove the threat which you perceive.
Although the deed will trouble you,
you have to act as you believe.
To shoot a man who means to kill
someone you love is justified.
Although some moralists will still
deny you the right to decide.
I think we act instinctively
when there is no alternative.
Remove the threat decisively
an action which I’m positive.
Should not be seen as culpable
A fact that recognised by law
each one of us is capable
of being executioner.
When circumstance indicate
that we must act immediately.
There is no time to hesitate
considering morality.
We act because we have to act.
We have no choice it must be done
I choose to see this as a fact
although it won’t please everyone.
ivor or ivor.e hogg