Janri Gogeshvili - TO NOURISH ONE’S PAIN …

2014-11-07 3

You nourish your pain with healers;
It’s never satisfied, it just grieves.
It fusses about as it chooses itself,
Gnaws you away, and then leaves…

That curing won’t do you much good…
Soon, the thought of the death appears.
You’re almost robbed of the gift for paying,
And then, you plead for the years…

You still hope… hope for the best,
Keep on pleading for the worthy death.
The pain assaults you, tears your soul,
It’s turned into the tandem of wrath.

You do your best, you do your utmost,
But the pain is hungry, the hope – vain.
You beat your head against the wall,
The pain weighs down the pain…

You recall the verse that cheered you up,
You recall that stunt man – the actor,
Who is amused by hazards and risk,
And always strives for the danger.

Then you can feel the flavor of the life,
You wish to restore the old splendor…
Then you’ll be able to bear the pain,
And the pain, too, will surrender.


Translated from Georgian

Janri Gogeshvili


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