Little did I know of what would follow
when I shook hands with a kid
a wobbly head, trembling hands
Little did I think of how the parents
lovingly tended to this gentle being
her sweet pleas, her sweeter slumber.
Little did I realise that this sweet minstrel
had made her home her temporary haunt
a stopping by, on a long travel ahead.
As her mom sobbed inconsolably
I stood by, a mute witness
the bursting sorrow couldnot be quietened.
They said though how painful it would have been
for the little soul to live on, a girl that too...
thus maimed by the cruelty of chance.
My lord, I ask, aren't they the more deserving to live
those that are so different
My lord, I want to know, what makes a few of the best
conceited to be the worst of physic
My lord, tell me, why this disparity
why such cruelty to the deserving?
My lord, why we do we always wait till its too late
To amend a wrong.
Questions abound, no answers are heard
The search is on, help if you can.
sreelekha premjit