A satire with literary indication
Heaven never lacks
The glory of the word,
Heaven never lacks
A radiant thought,
But the “rhyme-maker”
Proudly steals others’ lines…
And fails to create
A bright plot.
The time-honored wisdom
Is marked with splendor…
The “rhyme-maker” tries
To alter the reason…
But he can’t perceive
The experience – the wisdom.
He fools just a fool
With such treason.
The “rhyme-maker”
Proudly steals other’s lines,
Gloats over the words
Of the blessed bards.
He – a true robber,
A literary thief,
Tries to instruct us.
He fights against the gifted
With the fierce venom and hate,
Under the mask of virtue,
Under the mask of merit.
Translated from Georgian
Janri Gogeshvili