Penny Hemans - Growing apart

2014-11-07 1

when you wake up in the mornin'
and you leap up oot o' bed

when the craws outside are cackling
at the mess that they hae shed

when you try an' eat yer porage
wi' a sense of saying grace

then you look across the table
and ye ken tha' ye're nae able
tae talk the same auld jargon
wi' fowk fae the next door garden

so ye sigh an' whisper 'honey'
its nae guid as I've nae money
ta pay fer a' yer claithes
so fashionable are yer ways!

she stands up in a truckle
an' from her mooth she puckles
a howl of unfair quotes
'it's jest nae fair ye ageing doults! '

an' then I understand...
my olding face all lined and wizened
fae life experiences
she sees me -
but ye ken?
no way am I on ma way oot - nae yet!

'awa' wi ye ma fair wee maid
go off intae the world
until yer eyes are open
to how the bills are paid....'

we are growing apart
a part of me is leaving
and I have no option
but to let her go...

(just a little bit of thinking on the difference in generations)
26 February 2008

Penny Hemans

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