Last year's leaves withered and dry
Beneath their leafless mother lie
On this cold day in January
I pity you poor leafless tree.
You look sad this Winter day
Without your leafy green array
And in these times of frost and storm
You've no leaves to keep you warm.
Gone are all the lovely flowers
That bloomed in the Summer hours
And gone the bees and butterflies
That adorned the sunny skies.
You stand in a state of gloom
Since Winter's blown the breath of doom
It took the green leaves you did wear
And left you shivering and bare.
Without the sun's glowing face
This land is a dreary place
Yesterday rain, frost today
Summer seems so far away.
But poor lonely leafless tree
Summer will come just wait and see
And you'll don a new coat of green
And stand prouder than any queen.
And on your branches in the Spring
The happy birds of song will sing
And like a monarch you'll survey
The beauty that is born in May.
Francis Duggan