Evelyn Macdonald - Old Age is for the Birds

2014-11-07 24

When I was young and in my prime I took my health for granted
No major ills in middle age I never raved nor ranted
So who decreed that when I reached my so called 'golden years'
A multitude of problems would reduce my life to tears
The feet that once could run a mile now shuffle round the block
The legs that once were straight and true now cause my knees to knock
Just getting up now gets me down, the hip joints creak and crack
Those dizzy spells sure slow me down, and spasms wrack my back
Kidneys too don't work so good, the lungs are getting smaller
This frame must too be shrinking, could have sworn I was taller
The eyes that used to read with ease, now often shed a tear
I'm plagued with sinus problems, and its getting hard to hear
Dentures soon will come my way, my hair is fine and thinning
I can't remember much these days, Alzheimer's now beginning
The sex drive too is on the wane, old age you just can't fight
It now takes me all night to do what I used to do all night.

Evelyn Macdonald
