Dmitriy Kokarev - - 22 Whys -

2014-11-07 1

Why try to understand the things that only take place in our heads
Why try to solve the riddles that cannot be undone
Why suffer on this planet just to leave everything behind one day
Why try to find a reason not to end it all today
Why fight for something that you can not posses forever
Why try to love the things that soon will perish
Why hate something that you can simply just ignore
Why try to make a point when there is no audience that really cares
Why try to get as mush of something when you can never get enough
Why try to break the rules when later on they’ll make up new ones
Why try to hide under the covers when they can never hurt you on the inside
Why count the days you’ve lived instead of those that are yet to come
Why try to gain the trust of others when you can never trust them back yourself
Why pretend to care for something that simply backstabs you when you turn around
Why write the notes in new orders when they are already perfect as they are
Why spend the days in solitude when you never know the day you’ll leave
Why spend our time in this place that we call home
Why not travel all around and see beyond what we are given
Why not create a new religion that will fail just like all others
Why not create a god that they will hate just like the one we already have
Why care for something so complicated and not be aware of what it is
Why try to do the things that no one understands
In order to leave a mark behind
In order to be remembered after your corpse has long ago been rotting
In order to find someone that will understand
And in the end extend a helping hand.

Dmitriy Kokarev