Michael Pruchnicki - 'A good man ther was of religoun'

2014-11-07 2

Chaucer goes on -

'And was a povere Parsoun of a town
But riche he was of hooly thoght and werk
He was also a lerned man, a clerk...'

Let's saddle up with the pilgrims on their way
to the shrine at Canterbury and look at a saint
in the garb of poor parish priest, a man

rich in holy thought and more to the point
an active worker at his priestly task
A man of spiritual wealth

A priest not like the affluent and worldly monk
nor the thieving and lecherous pardoner
a priest who honors his vocation

by his daily work among the poor and sick
Give me a saint who's not afraid to soil
his hands grubbing among the poor

Avoid the liberal cleric hobnobbing
with politicians and justifying oppression
by looking the other way

Michael Pruchnicki
