Bonnie Collins - The Silver Valley

2014-11-07 2

Relating to the silver valley here is not my
cup of tea, I dont welcome the excess bagage
that mother of nature has given me

I dont like the fact that the color of my hair
will change, I liked the hair I had thank you

Why is it now such a VITAL importance that
we now must invest in every expensive vitiman
on the market, every slim now, lose unwanted fat,
take 30 inches off your waiste, in your own home
for 19.99? ? ? plus tax, shipipng and handling? ? ?

Signed up at the local gym, well that was a sure
thing, not to mention my monthly fee, my expensive
exersize clothing WITH a gym bag to match, and of
course now I have walking sneakers, I have jogging
sneakers, and of course I own offically my first jogging
bra, oh ladies, that is too much! ! ! !

Why is it we now must rush and do all of this asap
Do we think that maybe getting in the pearly gate
slimer is quicker? ? ? ?

Bonnie Collins