Bonnie Collins - Splendor In The Grass

2014-11-07 46

Years have passed since I have seen you
and even though the silver has paid you a
visit, it still for some reason makes you
all the more attractive, your eyes will always
hold such a magnificent gleem

Short hellos and long nightly stares, what do
you see my love? What do you see? Do you
see as I see, do you feel as I feel, inside of me
these questions are pondering my soul

Yes, I am happy, and you? Your daughter looks
so much like you and she has your eyes,

Funny but I dont remember much more of the
evening except the part when I entered the
room filled with our old classmates, and how
out of all those faces, strange, some fatter,
some balder, and some didnt recognize at
all, but you my love I spotted right away

Who are we fooling, we both engulfed with pleasant
hellos to all, all knew, high school reunions are like
that, all wondering how we would handle our hellos

Listening to the music really did rock my boat
and I know it did yours as well, I know that, and
somehow in a strage way, it was so dangerous

Conceiling my feelings was second nature to me,
but I could always see through yours my love

So we have gone into another chapter havent we
my love, we now have trully entered the golden
valley or our lives, the time when we cherrished
the momenets we once had, and to learn the
difference is like Splendor In The Grass........

Bonnie Collins