Closing my eyes the true me begins his journey
To the world I own the place that will cure me
Where I'm free to roam and no one there to lure me
Except for mystical Mother Nature who lovingly endures me
With every floating footstep I sense a change
My worries don’t matter here I've stepped out the cage
Into a world of wonder still I feel amazed
As I tread the world of fantasy so beautifully strange
I feel the cushioning effect of the silver silk grass
As I glide across a path I remember from my past
The daystar glow from the star rise lights up the land
Imagine your moonlight being a brighter morning man
In the early morning starlight I see where my path will reach
Far to the east to the coast where lies the reflective beach
Where the silk grass meets the starry daytime sky
I have arrived at Ancient coast to see a pink ocean resting by
The silk undergrowth gives way to smooth rainbow stone
Rainbow coloured raindrops stained rock once white as bone
Overlooking the pink ocean in slumber sleeping by the shore
Waves caress the sparkling surface of a beach I do adore
I descend the opal staircase carved by forgotten gods
From a time before I arrived there name and people lost
Another few steps and soon I shall step upon the water
I think pure thoughts my belief and love mustn’t falter
I step into the clear Pink Ocean comforting like a balm
The water sees right through me she knows I mean no harm
She allows safe passage and raises her walkway made of shells
Connecting me with the beach where bygone magic dwells
The reflective beach of old where all your truths are told
The magic will take hold and soon your problems fold
The inner you sees your life in a whole new light
The magic of the diamond sand finally rebuilds you right
Kaspa Richards