Paolo Giuseppe Mazzarello - Nathaniel - The Blackberries Place

2014-11-07 0

Nat is in the country of his youth.

(In the open country, among woods and flowery meadows.)

I'm here alone,
People love pure world of childhood.
My sweetheart isn't here:
Once she was here.
My friends, that read, see and hear:
I'll tell you about a child
With his women and a father,
it's normal, in the background.
He wanted to find again
His sweetheart Overseas.

I'm here, too.
Our senses will be satisfied
In this our new meeting.
I'm the same woman,
You should be the same man.

(She shows off her body.)

A time this was my breast,
I loved it,
I didn't want to leave it.
I feel that longing,
Languishing, subtle thrill.

(The woman disappears.)

I was an enchanted child:
Now I'll dig the ground.
It is winter in my vines,
In spring vine-shoots will grow.
This is future,
It isn't past.

To be continued

Paolo Giuseppe Mazzarello