Francis Duggan - A Victim Of Workplace Bullying

2014-11-07 19

His redneck workmates tease him at least that's what he said
They say such rude things to him like we've taken your girl to bed
They've doused his sandwiches in petrol and put salt in his flask of tea
And they've made life in the workplace for him a misery.

He is new to the workforce and to the workplace life still green
And he's just out of high school and he's only turned eighteen
About his older workmates he's too scared to complain
He'd rather keep his mouth shut and suffer the mental pain.

They taunt and persecute him his workmates a thuggish mob
And he won't complain them to his boss for fear he might lose his job
How many more are like him and suffer as he do?
For the victims of workplace bullying are no longer in the few.

He suffer on in silence and his problems only grow
And he is young and naive and his rights he does not know
His working life off to a bad start he's in at the deep end
And in the place he works at he doesn't have a friend.

Francis Duggan