Francis Duggan - Stand Up For Yourself Fellow

2014-11-07 24

Stand up for yourself fellow for if not you're out of luck
For if you let others use you they will drag you through the muck
And those who seek advantage of you go treat them with disdain
But from any sort of violence your best bet is refrain.

Stand up for yourself fellow as all soft touches lose out
And every soft touch is well known he's known for miles about
The soft touches come second best on them the ruthless prey
Stand up for yourself fellow and from those exploiters keep away.

Stand up for yourself fellow but to those who treat you fair
You treat those people fairly and share with those who share
But of the sneaky ruthless type my advice is beware
And you'll meet plenty of those type as they live everywhere.

Stand up for yourself fellow and in life you will succeed
And be fair with those who treat you fair and don't give way to greed
And earn your bread the honest way and practice take and give
For when all is said and all is done 'tis the only way to live.

Francis Duggan