Margaret Alice - Feelings: Contradicting Ideas, Passionate Mind

2014-11-07 1

Contradicting Ideas

In a love-hate relationship with the
Internet, for every beautiful thought
that elevates, ten dissenters appear
two sentences later

Bizarre ideas resonate with me, cold
facts are repelling; only small aspects
of truth can be discerned, I’m swayed
by everything

Creating an exciting life, creating havoc
never sure where I am or what I feel, but
committing to one alternative only
is not an option

I prefer weaving about in a sea of
contradicting ideas, rather than
end the journey with one viewpoint
only, safely in port

For me, the journey is everything!

Passionate Mind

Only challenges make life worthwhile
I love excitement and wild adrenalin
an office job, a quiet suburban life
can’t keep me occupied - quite clear

it is an act to appear sane, bohemian
spirit masquerading under middle-class
respectability, covering inner turmoil
with urban veneer, trying to cut out

ungainly parts of my passionate mind
like a Cinderella only fitting the shoe
once her feet are cut down to size…

Though rebellion is cut away, the quest
for meaning goes on, one day I hope to
settle down and be calm like you...

Margaret Alice